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This simple example outlines how to describe a simple and bare example of how to use the breadcrumb ae object and attach objectives to lureObject(s).

In this example, you will see how to use:

  • engagement:Breadcrumb

See Example on GitHub


Additionally there is the engagement:BreadcrumbTrail object in case where the breadcrumbs themselves have some partial ordering. Alternatively, one can describe engagement:Breadcrumb with multiple uco-core:UcoObject(s) if all components as a whole is the breadcrumb concept.

  "@context": {
    "co": "",
    "kb": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "uco-observable": "",
    "uco-core": "",
    "uco-types": "",
    "uco-identity": "",
    "uco-action": "",
    "engagement": "",
    "objective": "",
    "xsd": ""
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "kb:bcdeployment1",
      "@type": "engagement:Deploy",
      "uco-action:performer": [
          "@id": "kb:person1",
          "@type": "uco-identity:Person",
          "uco-core:hasFacet": [
              "@id": "kb:LiamWilliam",
              "@type": "identity:SimpleNameFacet",
              "uco-identity:familyName": "Liam",
              "uco-identity:givenName": "William"
          "uco-action:object": [
              "@id": "kb:breadcrumb1",
              "@type": "engagement:Breadcrumb",
              "uco-core:description": "breadcrumb 1",
              "engagement:hasObjective": [
                  "@id": "objective:Lure"
			  "engagement:hasCharacterization": [
				  "@id": "kb:dir1",
				  "@type": "uco-observable:Directory",
				  "uco-core:name": "C://marysu/projectBoat"
              "@id": "kb:breadcrumb2",
              "@type": "engagement:Breadcrumb",
              "uco-core:description": "breadcrumb 2",
              "engagement:hasObjective": [
                  "@id": "objective:Lure"
			  "engagement:hasCharacterization": [
				  "@id": "kb:file1",
				  "@type": "uco-observable:File",
				  "uco-core:name": "projectBoat.doc",
				  "uco-core:hasFacet": [
					  "@id": "kb:filefacet1",
					  "@type": "uco-observable:FileFacet",
					  "observable:filename": "projectBoat.doc"
              "@id": "kb:breadcrumb3",
              "@type": "engagement:Breadcrumb",
              "uco-core:description": "breadcrumb 3",
              "engagement:hasObjective": [
                  "@id": "objective:Lure"
			  "engagement:hasCharacterization": [
				  "@id": "kb:file2",
				  "@type": "uco-observable:File",
				  "uco-core:name": "to-do-list.pdf",
				  "uco-core:hasFacet": [
					  "@id": "kb:filefacet2",
					  "@type": "uco-observable:FileFacet",
					  "observable:filename": "to-do-list.pdf"

This software was produced for the U.S. Government under contract FA8702-22-C-0001, and is subject to the Rights in Data-General Clause 52.227-14, Alt. IV (DEC 2007) C2023 The MITRE Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Released under MITRE PRS 18-4297, and under the Cyber Domain Ontology project's Apache 2 license.